Digital Sign Ad Requests

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For inside Nebraska Unions digital signs
  1. Design the signage (1920x1080 pixels OR 16 inches wide by 9 inches tall at 72 dpi), text is limited to 20 characters per line with a maximum of three lines of text at a time.
  2. Please include department or RSO name on digital signs.
  3. All requests should be made at least two (2) weeks in advance of desired posting time. All messages must contain a desired start and end date.
  4. The number of messages running on the University network at any given time will determine message frequency.
  5. Messages are 10 seconds long.
For Nebraska Unions Plaza digital signs
  1. The size of the signs are 1920 X 1280 pixels or 16 X 10.667 inches.
  2. ONLY main information on the signs Title, Date, Location and Time and in Work Sans BOLD or similar (thin fonts will not show up as well).
  3. No QR Codes.
  4. Graphic formats preferred: .jpg; .png (these are for submission purposes as they can be converted to whatever format needed by the designer).
  5. For video, please use the mP4 format and no longer than 15 seconds is recommended.
Digital Sign Request Process:

To REQUEST a space on our signs, please CLICK HERE