Welcome to the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center. The Gaughan Multicultural Center continues the tradition of past UNL Culture Centers, providing a home away from home for underrepresented students, while welcoming all UNL students, faculty, staff, alumni and guests.
The Multicultural Center is a stated priority of the Chancellor and an important step in securing and expanding the progress the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has made in our diversity efforts as a campus.
At 30,000 square feet the Gaughan Multicultural Center was built as the nation’s largest multicultural center attached to a student union. We provide multiple study and lounge spaces as well as student organization offices, meeting and conference rooms, a music room, a kitchen and a computer lab. I encourage you to explore this site and to visit us at the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center.
The Gaughan Multicultural Center is supported by the Nebraska Unions and the Division of Student Affairs.