Today's Schedule

Building Hours

City Campus

Nebraska Union

Monday – Friday
7 a.m. to Midnight

Saturday and Sunday
9 a.m. to Midnight

Fours students walk towards the Nebraska Union's south entrance doors.

East Campus

Nebraska East Union

Monday – Friday
7 a.m. to Midnight

Saturday and Sunday
9 a.m. to Midnight

North exterior elevation of Nebraska East Union in 2023.

City Campus

Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center

Monday – Friday
7 a.m. to Midnight

Saturday and Sunday
9 a.m. to Midnight

A landscape photograph featuring the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center

Inclement Weather

If the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is closed, the Nebraska Union, Nebraska East Union and Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center will be closed and all events scheduled in the Nebraska Unions will be cancelled. 

Refer to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln homepage for re-opening information.

Calendar of Events